Saturday, November 26, 2005

‘Sa Wa Ti Kap’ ~ Here I Conquer…

Finally, back to blogging again. It’s really been long since I last update. Too many things happen in just this short 2 – 3 weeks time. And my frustrations were at top of my tits to bust out like a hot boiled volcano. Mainly working frustrations. Too much politics, too much datelines, too much work but not enough resources, all in all, it makes me feels sick.

My boss, wanted to speak to me yesterday. I initially was trying to run away from having any conversation with him, because unlike my another boss I have, it’s hard for me to speak my mind out to him. He is full of himself, the ego, and etc. The whole morning and afternoon, I managed to escape from him, but come late evening (yes, blardy hell, he is still in the office) he called me to his room. SHIT! BIG SHIT!

So yes we had that little talk. But he seems that he did not realize the root of my problem. My frustrations and lost of passion to the work I am doing comes from all parties, internally and externally, but however, what plays the most important role of making me pissy is HIM! Which he did not realize HIMSELF and he still thought that my issue lies in the external party, namely the Client.

But to me, all the other Clients are the same, that’s why you need some senior person in the team to have control over certain situation. Not in my case, sad to say. Worst still, he is currently in the stage of pleasing the Client, making COCK sure that we will still have the account by next year, resulting in saying YES TO ALL RIDICULOUS REQUEST from Client. Although it is a butter and bread account for the agency, I don’t think one have to go to that extend. SERIOUSLY.

Best part of all he thinks that I have attitude problem towards the account – i.e.: not passionate anymore, not being proactive anymore and etc.

I don’t give a damn! You know why? Because I AM SICK with the entire situation.

Anyway, it’s ok. I can’t be bother anymore. I am going to move on.

Before that I am going on leave next week onward from 1-Dec to 8-Dec, I’ll be at Bangkok to Bang some Cock!