Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Too MANY Things... Too LITTLE Time...

OK... this is just pure complaining entry. Please ignore me...


Reason #1
They don't leave me in PEACE. When I was in Bangkok... my office rang me more than 5 times a day while I enjoy my AMAZING THAILAND experience. Serious shit. I KID YOU NOT!

Reason #2
Since I came back from my Bangkok trip, work has been piling out like CRAZY. I mean really CRAZY! 1st of all, while I was away, nothing gets done! 4 major campaigns were left sitting alone till the day I came back. And worst part... my boss called me to come back a day earlier for work. What a LOSER!

Reason #3
I was given crappy dateline for creative presentation, for all 4 campaign! While, there are small other jobs that are in the midst of production to oversee. Right, how crappy can that be? YES, it's totally SHITTY!

Reason #4
My boss is getting on my nerves VERY FARKING BADLY! Basically he TALK COCK more than he SING SONG. Wanted to get this done and that done at a very unrealistic timing! GOD DAMMIT! Get your hand dirty dude... show me some GOOD LEADERSHIP!

Reason #5
I have been working late till pass midnight since I came back from my holidays. LIFE'S A BITCH! That includes my Saturday and Sunday too. And then it I finally realised... OH.MY.GAWD! I DON'T HAVE A LIFE!

Reason #6
Work SUCKS! Client are dumber than dumbo (well at the very least, dumbo is cute). Internally, we have no enough resources, yet dateline still don't change. IF ONLY WE CAN WORK ILLUSTRATOR AND PHOTOSHOP WITH OUR TOES! Luckily, the saving grace is that I have nice colleagues that support me along the way!

Reason #7
Why why why why why why why! Boss making MY ALREADY MISERABLE LIFE SO FUCKING DIFFICULT?!

Reason #8
The other day I commented a creative done by the other Agency, on the same brand, same product. IT LOOKS CRAP! SERIOUSLY. But my boss thinks otherwise and goes saying that I am not a good evaluater! My ASS...dahling. At least my fashion sense are much better than your neither here nor there CHAO AH BENG look? He thought is looks great! He's too blinded with BOOBS! I SWEAR! 3 Charlie Angles look alike chics... and i'm sure at that point of time his DICK HEAD does the think more the one on top!

Reason #8
Got pay so little, but work like a DOG! Even if I am a dog, I am a Goldie, OK!

BUT, but but but... IT'S OK... because the DIVA is moving on. =P


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