Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Maureen Oh.. Maureen

You know what, I think Maureen and me are evil twins. We are so...so...so fucking evil that we did the same crime back in our old Agency. But her case was funnier! I swear to god, I was laughing like hell over dinner at Chilis KLCC and on my way driving home too.

It was shit funny!

If I were to write it down here it wouldn't be funny anymore, but I hope whenever I see this post, I will remember it again =)

The joke is about changing the number 2 to 3, on Intan, Adel and Bobby's list!

You see, in our old Agency we have tons of ice-cream and Yeo's drinks in the fridge for us to consume (courtosy from our Client lar...). It is NOT free for the employees, and you need to put your name down on the paper that is stick onto the fridge and you NEED to pay by every end of the month.

And just only we confronted, that we actually did something that is bad lar. Not that BAD BAD type, but sometime we did not pay for all the ice-creams and drinks we took from the fridge, but we actually write-off on other people's name. Whereby we turn all that number 2 to 3 and 1 to 10 at people we are mad about only - like Intan, Adel, and Bobby.

Hahahahaha... it's so funny!


At 5:35 PM, June 22, 2005, Blogger Pluboy2 said...

yeah its so funny...

the drinks and food in the department fridge is FREE for all..courtesy of boss.. :P

hehe.. juealous? my boss is da most perfect boss u'll fuck a pig to get a boss like him hehehe !!!

At 12:47 PM, June 23, 2005, Blogger Nicky Dominique said...

FUCK!!! That's good.. I'm not even getting anything free in my recent comp!

Cheeeeee bye.... =P


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