Saturday, May 28, 2005

Interview Slut...

Yes, I am officially called 'The Interview Slut'. Within last year and this, I have at least went for more than 15 interviews from one Agency to another. Thanks to Ming / Cindy / Alvin / Evelyn / Phoebe for calling me that! =P

But recently, last Tuesday was the most fruitful one I must say! This lady from Bozell really gave me a clear vision of where I will be heading to and what see sees in me.

She commented that I was a rare breed, on the fact that I can converse, write, and understand Mandarin and the mindset. Which is quite true! 12 years of Chinese education not wasted at least. I think she is kind of interested in me and I am very glad I spoke to her on my career advancement. I think we have chemistry.

So no back to the question, if she hire me, should I leave where I am comfortable now? Is being over comfortable bad for me? Even if I move, it will not be a career advancement for me, cause all I am asking for is going to be almost the same besides the $$$ lar. Sometime, I think I had enough from the current management, but it is the people here that is so lovely that I totally forgotten that I hate the management. 2 and a half year... is it too long? Questions kept popping out but no solution can counteract.

Ming said I should change an environment.

I said I love the people here too much!

Ming said I should explore and then you can really learn.

But I am not the adventurous type.

Ming said I should look for a bigger Agency to jump and go for more interview.

Then I said maybe not. I do not want to have too many options and I will probably end up no where.

Ming said I will regret if I don't jump to a bigger Agency

I replied... I say ... I really dunno!

Sometime I felt like I am a walking man wearing a condom, not adventurous and too conservative.

I think it's true!


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