Monday, February 14, 2005

Mahjong aftertaste - #@$%#@ SOUR!

Phoebe invited us for a visit to her house today, and as usual, am not there for bitching / whining session. I've got my MORE IMPORTANT mission. MAHJONG!

The Main Casts: William, Adeline, & me

Winner - Me, of course, with a total sum of RM8 (after 4 hours of mahjong-ing, damn lame =P )

BUT wining is not important afterall, it's the bitter sour aftertaste that is still haunting me till now! GEEZ... and let's see why:

1. William cut queue and game first with '6-fan-kai-wu' when I was like 'oh-my-god-so-fucking-close' to game with 'tai sum yuen'

2. The stupid me too 'kan-cheong' to game and forgotten to replace a flower card, hence 'siew-xiong-kong'. Fucking hate myself for that! Argh... lesson to learn! Everyone!

3. William was about to 'pao' with about '10-fan' and while I can game with '6-fan-kai-wu' with 'hei-fei' on one of my power card, I nicely forgotten it and I discard it out! Again, lesson to learn. Don't rush, No 'kan-cheong', Take your fucking time to think and observe the cards on the table.

Till now, still feel damn F-U-C-K-I-N-G SOUR! GEEEEZ....

Anyway, work starts tomorrow, and it will be a very busy day for me. Need to rush out lots and lots of materials for the new campaign that is launching this week. While my other colleague will be enjoying mandarine oranges in the pantry, I guess I will be running around like a headless chicken....

Oh shit Monday blue now! Don't feel like going to work... can I take MC doctor? With what excuse? Hmmm good one here.... ate too much 'bak-kuah' while watching televsion hence has grown to be a couch potato.

I think this excuse is purely lame.... =(


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